Summary iconbundle-tango provides static icon bundles and icon sizes for the Tango Project icon theme. The iconbundle-tango project has dependencies that require java version 1.4 or later.
Static instances of IconBundle are created by the TangoProject class:
IconBundle folder = TangoProject.FOLDER; IconBundle calculator = TangoProject.ACCESSORIES_CALCULATOR; IconBundle multimediaPlayer = TangoProject.MULTIMEDIA_PLAYER; IconBundle viewRefresh = TangoProject.VIEW_REFRESH;
All variants of this base image, for different text directions, sizes, and states, are available from this icon bundle. Tango Project icon theme icons are currently only available in left-to-right orientation. The default Tango Project icon sizes (Extra Small, Small, Medium, and Large) are provided as static instances of IconSize in the class TangoProject. An AWT or Swing component may be passed to the icon bundle to provide hints as to e.g. selection colors for the image.
JComponent label = new JLabel(); // Large (48x48) Image folderRtlNormalLarge = folder.getImage(label, IconTextDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT, IconState.NORMAL, TangoProject.LARGE); // Medium (32x32) Image calculatorRtlDisabledMedium = calculator.getImage(label, IconTextDirection.RIGHT_TO_LEFT, IconState.DISABLED, TangoProject.MEDIUM); // Small (22x22) Image multimediaPlayerLtrSelectedSmall = multimediaPlayer.getImage(label, IconTextDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT, IconState.SELECTED, TangoProject.SMALL); // Extra Small (16x16) Image viewRefreshLtrMouseoverExtraSmall = viewRefresh.getImage(label, IconTextDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT, IconState.MOUSEOVER, TangoProject.EXTRA_SMALL);
The icon bundle will load Extra Small, Small, and Medium icons from 16x16, 22x22, and 32x32 pixel .png files respectively and will load Large and any other size icons from scalable .svg files. A jar artifact including these Tango Project icons is available from the central maven repository and is used by this library.
Tango Project
The Tango Desktop Project exists to create a consistent user experience for free and Open Source
software with graphical user interfaces. For more information on the Tango Project, please
Tango Project