- IconBundle - Interface in org.dishevelled.iconbundle
A bundle of variants of a particular icon image, for
different text directions, sizes, and states.
- IconBundleKey - Class in org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl
A compound key of icon text direction, icon state,
and icon size.
- IconBundleKey(IconTextDirection, IconState, IconSize) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.IconBundleKey
Create a new compound key with the specified
icon text direction, icon state, and icon size.
- IconBundleUtils - Class in org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl
IconBundle static utility class.
- IconSize - Class in org.dishevelled.iconbundle
Extensible typesafe enumeration of icon sizes.
- IconSize(int, int) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconSize
Create a new icon size with the specified width
and height.
- IconState - Class in org.dishevelled.iconbundle
Typesafe enumeration of icon states.
- IconTextDirection - Class in org.dishevelled.iconbundle
Typesafe enumeration of icon text directions.
- invalidateCache() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.impl.CachingIconBundle
Invalidate the cache of images.
- isActive() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Return true if this icon state is IconState.ACTIVE
- isDisabled() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Return true if this icon state is IconState.DISABLED
- isDragging() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Return true if this icon state is IconState.DRAGGING
- isMouseover() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Return true if this icon state is IconState.MOUSEOVER
- isNormal() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Return true if this icon state is IconState.NORMAL
- isSelected() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Return true if this icon state is IconState.SELECTED
- isSelectedMouseover() - Method in class org.dishevelled.iconbundle.IconState
Return true if this icon state is IconState.SELECTED_MOUSEOVER