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AbstractStateMachineSprite - Class in org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine
Abstract Piccolo2D state machine sprite node.
AbstractStateMachineSprite() - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine.AbstractStateMachineSprite
Create a new abstract state machine sprite node.
advance() - Method in class org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine.AbstractStateMachineSprite
Advance this state machine sprite node one frame.


createAnimation(String) - Method in class org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine.AbstractStateMachineSprite
Create and return an animation for the specified state id, if any.


fireStateMachineEvent(String) - Method in class org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine.AbstractStateMachineSprite
Fire a state machine event with the specified event name.
fireStateMachineEvent(String) - Method in class org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine.StateMachineSupport
Fire an event with the specified event name on the state machine for this state machine support class (fails silently).


getCurrentAnimation() - Method in class org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine.AbstractStateMachineSprite
Return the current animation for this state machine sprite.
getExecutor() - Method in class org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine.StateMachineSupport
Return the state machine executor for this support class.
getFrameSkip() - Method in class org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine.AbstractStateMachineSprite
Return the number of frames to skip.


initializeStateMachine(SCXML) - Method in class org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine.AbstractStateMachineSprite
Initialize the specified state machine.


loadImage(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine.AbstractStateMachineSprite
Load the image resource with the specified name, if any.
loadStateMachine(Class<T>, String) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine.AbstractStateMachineSprite
Load the state machine resource with the specified name, if any.


org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine - package org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine
Piccolo2D state machine sprite and supporting classes.


paint(PPaintContext) - Method in class org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine.AbstractStateMachineSprite


resetStateMachine() - Method in class org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine.AbstractStateMachineSprite
Reset the state machine to its "initial" configuration.
resetStateMachine() - Method in class org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine.StateMachineSupport
Reset the state machine for this state machine support class to its "initial" configuration (fails silently).


setFrameSkip(int) - Method in class org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine.AbstractStateMachineSprite
Set the number of frames to skip to frameSkip.
StateMachineSupport - Class in org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine
State machine support class, meant to be delegated to.
StateMachineSupport(Object, SCXML) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.piccolo.sprite.statemachine.StateMachineSupport
Create a new state machine support class to be delegated to by the specified delegator with the specified state machine.
A C F G I L O P R S 

Copyright (c) 2007-2013 held jointly by the individual authors. Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).