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AbstractVennRunnable - Class in org.dishevelled.venn.tools
Abstract venn runnable.
AbstractVennRunnable(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.AbstractVennRunnable
Create a new abstract venn runnable with the specified arguments.
additional(ImmutableBitSet) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.Venn
additional(Set<Integer>) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.Venn


buildLabel(List<String>, ImmutableBitSet) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.Venn


count() - Method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.AbstractVennRunnable
Return true to output count(s) only.


defaultIfFound(Argument<T>, T, T, T) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.AbstractVennRunnable
Default to the specified default value if the argument was found and has a null value or if the value matches either of value0 or value1.
defaultIfFound(Argument<T>, T, T, T, T) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.AbstractVennRunnable
Default to the specified default value if the argument was found and has a null value or if the value matches either of value0, value1, or value2.
defaultIfFound(Argument<T>, T, T, T, T, T) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.AbstractVennRunnable
Default to the specified default value if the argument was found and has a null value or if the value matches either of value0, value1, value2, or value3.


first(ImmutableBitSet) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.Venn
first(Set<Integer>) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.Venn


header() - Method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.AbstractVennRunnable
Return true to output header(s).


main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.Venn
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.Venn2
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.Venn3
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.Venn4


org.dishevelled.venn.tools - package org.dishevelled.venn.tools
Command line tools for venn diagrams.


range(int) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.Venn
read(File) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.AbstractVennRunnable
Read a set of strings from the specified input file.
run() - Method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.Venn
run() - Method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.Venn2
run() - Method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.Venn3
run() - Method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.Venn4


STDOUT - Static variable in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.AbstractVennRunnable
Marker file, write to stdout.


toImmutableBitSet(Set<Integer>) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.Venn


Venn - Class in org.dishevelled.venn.tools
Venn an arbitrary number of input files.
Venn2 - Class in org.dishevelled.venn.tools
Venn two input files.
Venn3 - Class in org.dishevelled.venn.tools
Venn three input files.
Venn4 - Class in org.dishevelled.venn.tools
Venn four input files.


write(boolean, String, PrintWriter) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.AbstractVennRunnable
Write the specified label text to stdout.
write(boolean, int, PrintWriter) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.AbstractVennRunnable
Write the specified size to stdout.
write(boolean, Iterator<String>, PrintWriter) - Static method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.AbstractVennRunnable
Write one value from the specified iterator to stdout.
write(String, Set<String>, File) - Method in class org.dishevelled.venn.tools.AbstractVennRunnable
Write the specified set view to the specified file if valid.
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Copyright (c) 2010-2013 held jointly by the individual authors. Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).