Class | Description |
AbstractVennRunnable |
Abstract venn runnable.
Venn |
Venn an arbitrary number of input files.
Venn2 |
Venn two input files.
Venn3 |
Venn three input files.
Venn4 |
Venn four input files.
$ venn2 --count first.txt second.txt 1000\t2000\t500\t3000 $ venn2 --count --header first.txt second.txt first.txt only\tsecond.txt only\nIntersection\tUnion 1000\t2000\t500\t3000 $ venn2 --count --first-only first.txt second.txt 1000 $ venn2 --count --second-only first.txt second.txt 2000 $ venn2 --count --intersection first.txt second.txt 500 $ venn2 --count --union first.txt second.txt 3000 $ venn2 --count --first-only --header first.txt second.txt first.txt only 1000 $ venn2 --count --second-only --header first.txt second.txt second.txt only 2000 $ venn2 --count --intersection --header first.txt second.txt Intersection 500 $ venn2 --count --union --header first.txt second.txt Union 3000 $ venn2 --count --first-only --intersection first.txt second.txt 1000\t500 $ venn2 --count --first-only --intersection --header first.txt second.txt first.txt only\tIntersection 1000\t500 $ venn2 --count --first-only first-only.txt first.txt second.txt 1000\n > first-only.txt $ venn2 --count --first-only first-only.txt --header first.txt second.txt first.txt only\n1000\n > first-only.txt $ venn2 --count --first-only first-only.txt --intersection intersection.txt first.txt second.txt 1000\n > first-only.txt 500\n... > intersection.txt $ venn2 --count --first-only first-only.txt --intersection intersection.txt --header first.txt second.txt first.txt only\n1000\n > first-only.txt intersection\n500\n... > intersection.txt $ venn2 first.txt second.txt first0\tsecond0\tintersection0\tunion0 first1\tsecond1\tintersection1\tunion1... $ venn2 --header first.txt second.txt first.txt only\tsecond.txt only\nintersection\tunion first0\tsecond0\tintersection0\tunion0 first1\tsecond1\tintersection1\tunion1... $ venn2 --first-only first.txt second.txt first0 first1... $ venn2 --second-only first.txt second.txt second0 second1... $ venn2 --intersection first.txt second.txt intersection0 intersection1... $ venn2 --union first.txt second.txt union0 union1... $ venn2 --first-only --header first.txt second.txt first.txt only first0 first1... $ venn2 --second-only --header first.txt second.txt second.txt only second0 second1... $ venn2 --intersection --header first.txt second.txt Intersection intersection0 intersection1... $ venn2 --union --header first.txt second.txt Union union0 union1... $ venn2 --first-only --intersection first.txt second.txt first0\tintersection0 first1\tintersection1... $ venn2 --first-only --intersection --header first.txt second.txt first.txt only\tIntersection first0\tintersection0 first1\tintersection1... $ venn2 --first-only first-only.txt first.txt second.txt first0\nfirst1\n... > first-only.txt $ venn2 --first-only first-only.txt --header first.txt second.txt first.txt only\nfirst0\nfirst1\n... > first-only.txt $ venn2 --first-only first-only.txt --intersection intersection.txt first.txt second.txt first0\nfirst1\n... > first-only.txt intersection0\nintersection1\n... > intersection.txt $ venn2 --first-only first-only.txt --intersection first.txt second.txt intersection0 intersection1... first0\nfirst1\n... > first-only.txt $ venn2 --first-only first-only.txt --intersection --header first.txt second.txt Intersection intersection0 intersection1... first.txt only\nfirst0\nfirst1\n... > first-only.txt $ venn2 --first-only first-only.txt --intersection --union first.txt second.txt intersection0\tunion0 intersection1\tunion1... first0\nfirst1\n... > first-only.txt $ venn2 --first-only first-only.txt --intersection --header first.txt second.txt Intersection\tUnion intersection0\tunion0 intersection1\tunion1... first.txt only\nfirst0\nfirst1\n... > first-only.txt
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